Беспредел власти

Hunger strike of Ihar Alinevich: what is known now

Ihar Alinevich , an anarcho-partisan sentenced to 20 years for participating in the Belarusian uprising, went on hunger strike. Members of the Anarchist Black Cross collected the latest information about Igor from the Facebook of his mother Valentina Alinevich and from his close friends. Here's what we were able to find out.

Repression of Anti-Fascists in the Urals: Arrests and Torture

On August 30-31 in Tyumen, Yekaterinburg and Surgut, six antifascists were detained and later placed in pre-trial detention centers. This is reported by the Prometheus telegram channel:

"On August 30, two anti-fascists were detained in Tyumen. According to investigators, they were carrying an explosive, which they allegedly wanted to test near the Tyumen Thermal Power Plant. On 2 September they were charged with fabrication of weapons and detained until the end of October.

Support Vladimir Zolotarev who opposed the war in Ukraine

On June 4, Vladimir Zolotarev set fire to the National guard entrance in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Next day he was detained. In March, several canisters of fuel were found in his car, but he was not charged at the time. Now, Zolotarev is charged with "violence against a representative of authority" and "attempting to commit an act of terrorism."

Fundraiser for Anton Zhuchkov, and other news on political prisoners

Антон Жучков

6th of March, during anti-war meeting, Anton Zhuchkov and his friend Vladimir Sergeev were arrested in the center of Moscow, in Pushkin square.

They was searched, and police found two Molotov cocktails in the backpack of Sergeev. But instead of a police station, they were both sent to Sklifosovskiy emergency hospital. In police wan, Anton and Sergey attempted to commit a suicide, by taking lethal doses of methadone.

Not all priests are enemies

Updates to list of anti-war prisoners of Anarchist Black Cross Moscow.

Priest of Russian orthodox church Ioann has been remanded, charged with spreading ”fake news” about Russian army, after he preached that ”peacemeakers go to heaven”, and ”aggressors who have attacked the neighbouring people will go to a hell, which they have chosen themselves”.

Send him a Tolstoyan greeting to address

Hearing on extension of pre-trial detention of Aleksandra Skochilenko

St. Petersburg. Russia. On May 30, the St. Petersburg District Court extended the pre-trial detention of Aleksandra Skochilenko until July 1. The defense submitted a character description of her and documents on her health and ability to serve house arrest, which the judge added to the file but did not consider.

Support suspected arsonists against military call-ups, and other Russian anti-war prisoners

На фото: Денис Сердюк (слева) и Илья Фарбер.

30 year old Denis Serdyuk, suspected of an arson attack against amilitary call-up center in Volgograd, is being held in remand prison #1 of his town. He is being charged with ”destruction of property” and ”hooliganism”, and may be sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Vladimir Sergeev and Anton Zhuchkov need your support

Vladimir Sergeev and Anton Zhuchkov were arrested in an anti-war action on the 6th of March 2022. Before his arrest Vladimir worked in a factory. Vladimir did not go to demonstrations before the war began. After the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army on February 24, 2022, Vladimir's attitude toward the Russian state became even worse.

Support Russian anti-war prisoners

These prisoners have been jailed due to anti-war protests or opinions. They have a wide variety of positions, but all of them are against the Russian attack against Ukraine. There are more prisoners than whom we know the addresses. This list was compiled by Ivan Astashin. 

Please translate your letters to Russian for example with Google translate, as currently letters in other languages except Russian are very seldom accepted in Russian prisons. 

Ivan Astashin: Violence Is the Norm

An unknown activist’s protest performance titled “Bucha-Moscow” against the war crimes of the Russian army in Ukraine

I’m not surprised by the violence. I am not surprised because I know about the violence that occurs in Russia every day. Senseless cruelty is seemingly the norm for some Russians. I don’t have a ready answer to why this is the case. It’s worth asking sociologists, anthropologists, and psychologists for an explanation.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

3 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

3 months ago