Anarchist Black Cross

A letter from father of Konstantinas Karakatsanis

Now greece can sleep in peace. PASOK’S justice sentenced the 18yearold then Kostandina to 11years imprisonment with no proof, no evidence, not even based on her age. She may be the only political prisoner that is under 20 in the world. If there is another its probably in a country in banania. They sentenced her at a trial that was between a court martial and an inquisition, without taking into consideration neither the witnesses nor all the evidence that shouted her innocence.

Human right activist Aleksey Sokolov is free!

Today, about 10 a.m. Sosnovoborsky City Court granted the petition of the political prisoner Alexey Sokolov parole.

At 15 p.m. Alexey appeared in front of penal colony №40, where lawyer Roman Kachanov waited for him. I managed to phone to take short interview with Aleksey:

- Alexey! How are you and what do you feel? How much court decision on your parole was expected?

Rinat Sultanov is being transferred

Rinat Sultanov - anarchist anti-fascist and RASH-skinhead from Saint Petersburg of Russia, who was sentenced to two years in prison for a fight with Nazis, which took place 4th of November 2008, is being transferred. During transfer, which may take more than a month, his whereabouts are unknown. Please remove Rinat's address from prisoner lists until his new prison address is known.

New Addresses of Belarusian anarchist prisoners

Dedok Nikolai Aleksandrovich / Dziadok Mikalai Aliaksandravich*
 IK-15, 213105, Mogilev, p/o Veino, Slavgorodskoe shosse, 5 km. KARANTIN

Frantskevich Aleksandr Vladimirovich / Frantskevich Aliaksandr Uladzimiravich*
 IK-22 “Volchi nory”, 225295 , Brestskaya obl., Ivatsevichski r-n, st. Domanovo KARANTIN

Olinevich Igor Vladimirovich / Alinevich Ihar Uladzimiravich*
IK-10, 211440, Vitebskaya obl., Novopolotsk, ul. Tekhnicheskaya, 8 KARANTIN

Vaskovich Evgeni Sergeevich / Vas’kovich Jauhen Siarheevich (KGB attack)*
IK-15, 213105, Mogilev, p/o Veino, Slavgorodskoe shosse, 5 km. KARANTIN

One “Khimki hostage” acquired, another one got 2 years suspended sentence

24th of June, judge of the Khimki city court of Moscow region of Russia, Neonila Zepalova, sentenced “Khimki hostages”, anti-fascist activists Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov, who were accused of organisation of a radical demonstration against construction of the Moscow-St. Petersburg toll highway, which took place in Moscow Suburb of Khimki 28th of July.

The united actions days in support of Nizhny Novgorod antifascists on June 24-26.

At the present moment by The Anti-Extremist Center of GUVD (General Directorate of Internal Affairs - SM) in Nizhniy Novgorod Region detectives a criminal case is fabricating against Artem Bystrov, who was arrested on April 26,2011. He is incriminated the article № 213 part 2 (hooliganism committed by a group of persons on preliminary arrangement by hatred or hostility toward a particular social group). Two of suspects yet couldn't be arrested. It is worth noting that victim itself — a nationalist D.Redkin, doesn't have any claims to people arrested on April 26 and refuses to take part in confrontments. The case was filed seven months after the accident. It was filed by pressure at the victim and the witness. The investigation is proceeded with gross violations and falsification of evidence. For example during the rummages the membership cards of non-existing organisation “RASH-Antifa” with photos and serial numbers, evidently made by Center “E”(The Anti-Extremist Center - SM) detectives, were planted in to the suspects' homes. <

Belarusian anarchists sentenced - up to 8 years of hard regime, evidence lacking

On the 27th of May, judge Zhanna Khvoynitskaya sentenced the Belarusian anarchists Ihar Alinevich, Mikalaj Dziadok, Aliaksandar Frantskievich, Maxim Vetkin and Yeveni Slivonchik. The young men were accused of a number of political actions, amongst which was the attack against the Russian embassy in Minsk in August of 2010. 

 Ihar Alinevich was accused of attacks against the Russian Embassy and Belarusbank ("Property destruction with intent", statute 218 paragraph 3 of the Belarusian Criminal Codex), an attack against the remand prison of Minsk (also statute 218, paragraph 2), an attack against a Casino and an illegal demonstration at the military headquarters ("Aggravated hooliganism", statute 339 paragraph 2 of Belarusian criminal codex). The prosecutor asked for a 9 year sentence in hard regime, eventually he received 8 years of hard regime (1).    

Patricia Heras kills herself after being sent to prison for a crime she did not commit

Background [see also correction at bottom]: there was some noisy party in some apartment in Barcelona, in the confuse events that followed an agent was hit by a potted plant thrown from a balcony causing him severe injuries that left him paraplegic.

Strangely the municipal police, instead of investigating properly and persecuting whoever threw the pot, decided to blame this on the squatter movement. First they decided that the apartment in question was "related" somehow to the squatter movement, something these deny, then they changed the story of the potted plant for a stone, finally they accused this girl, Patricia Heras, of throwing not the stone but a mobile fence in the course of the confusing struggle.

Anarchist rapper from Siberia kidnapped by Russian authorities

28th of April, hip-hop musician Andrei "KUBA" Kravchenko was kidnapped by police in Moscow in university, where he was about to pass his final exams in faculty of PR. He was handcuffed and taken to police station of "Bogorodskoe", from where he was further sent by airplane to his hometown, distant city of Chita in Siberia.

30th of April, Andrey was interrogated in criminal case against local anti-fascist activists, and eventually released court pending. Case dates back to September of 2010, when a group of local Nazis, lead by Semen Murzin, claimed to local polcie that they had been beaten up by anti-fascists. Five anti-fascist were charged with "hooliganism", but eventually three of them have been requalified from suspects to witnesses.

Summary of common a week of common actions to defend the Khimki hostages from the 2nd to the 9th of April 2011

From 2nd of 9th of April 2011 and after, actions to defend “Khimki hostages”, Alexei Gaskarov and brothers Maxim and Denis Solopov were organised in six countries and
25 cities. Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov are currently out from jail, in court facing charges following from a demonstration, which was organised 28th of July 2010 in Moscow suburg of Khimki against construction of Moscow-St. Petersburg toll road, and the gross human rights violations against its opposers. Denis Solopov has been granted an UNCHR refugee status in Ukraine, but in beginning of April he was detained and is currently waiting his deportation court in Lykyanovka prison of Kiev.


We started the project ACHK-Irkutsk

Presentation of the new organization took place at a concert in support of Barnaul anarchists, which was held on April 16. Group ACHK-Irkutsk acted as the organizer of the show, and some of us have been involved and in the music program. Seven groups and projects from Irkutsk and Angarsk presented a wide palette of musical styles - from dub to noise.

For details and photos see the blog ACHK-Irkutsk

Italy: a wave of raids and arrests against anarchists

5 arrests in Bologna, 7 banning orders, 60 raids all over Italy. On April 6 more than 300 officers were employed in an “anti-terrorism” operation named ‘Outlaw Operation’ that specially targeted anarcho-insurrectionalist activists. The operation was carried out in 16 different cities including Bologna, where police arrested 5 activists close to the squatted social centre Fuoriluogo and shut down the place. Another person was arrested in the nearby town of Ferrara and released straight after interrogation. 7 other people are under banning orders which restrict their movements and are also being investigated (just for your information, these measures are normally adopted when there is serious circumstantial evidence of guilt AND at least one of the following: risk of escape, risk of acquisition or of the genuineness of the evidence and risk of the offence being repeated).

Greece: Three defendants in the case of the group "Revolutionary Struggle" were released

Hristoforos Kortesis, Evangelos "Vaggelis" Statopulos and Sarantos Nikitopulos (three of the six detainees accused of involvement in the urban guerrilla group "Revolutionary Struggle") released by the decision of the Court of Appeal on April 5. All three - the anarchists, has repeatedly denied the charges against them and unjustly pursued by on the basis of mere political and companionship. Conducting business and its fabrication, which resulted in the arrested have stayed a year in prison, suspended. In the near future of our comrades to stand trial.

A petition in support of Dennis Solopova

April 12 anti-fascists passed a petition to the consulate of Ukraine in Saint Petersburg. In support of Dennis Solopova activists were gathered around a hundred signatures. The petition contained a request not to extradite to Russia party's anti-fascist movement Denis Solopova being in jail in Ukraine and is suspected of organizing attacks on the administration building near Moscow Khimki 28 July 2010 in protest against plans to cut down forests Khimki.

In Tyumen Picket in support of Dennis Solopova, or how law enforcement does not know the laws

Tyumen anti-fascist rally held a single on April 12 at the Consulate of Ukraine in Tumen against the illegal extradition of anti-fascist Dennis Solopova from Ukraine to Russia, where he awaits criminal proceedings for "Khimki case."

Report from court hearings of “Khimki hostages”

On March 14 and 23, 2010 two court hearings in the case of antifascists Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov who were accused of organizing attack on the Khimki City Administration, took place at the Khimki City Court.

Accusation against Alexei and Maxim is absurd and based on false evidence of three alleged eyewitnesses identifying them as persons participated in the riots.


Russian anti-fascist sentenced to two years in prison

Anti-fascist Rinat Sultanov was sentenced to two years in prison yesterday in St. Petersburg, for causing “grievous bodily ham to a Nazi during a fight, which took place 4th of November (“Day of national unification”, main convergence day of Russian Nazis) three years ago.

Rinat Sultanov was born and spent his childhood in city of Labytnangi of the far-northern Siberia, where he finished his school.

Copenhagen: The action in defense of "Khimki hostages"

On the 5th of April, activists of Denmark and Sweden came to The Embassy of the Republic of Ukraine in Copenhagen in order to show their solidarity with "Khimki hostage" Denis Solopov, who arrived to Ukraine in search of asylum from repressions of Russian authorities and who is in Pre-Trial Detention Facility Luk'yanovsky in Kiev.

Moscow authorities have agreed on actions to protect Khimkinskaya hostages "

April 1, the organizers of shares in favor of "Khimki hostages" were in the prefecture of the Central District of Moscow, a document on the harmonization of picketing the embassy of Ukraine (Leontief per., 18, Passage: Metro: Pushkinskaya, Tverskaya, "Chekhov", "Okhotny number ") on April 4 at 16 hours and 9 April at 17 o'clock. Harmonization of the rally, scheduled for April 9 in 15 hours, has not yet received, but the representatives of the City Hall was asked to move it to the monument at Griboyedov Chistoprudny Blvd.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

3 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

3 months ago